
AACE webinars are live, interactive sessions that connect you to experts presenting on a variety of topics in an effort to enhance your industry and technical knowledge.


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Free RP Webinar: Spotlight on RP 122R-22 - Quantitative Risk Analysis Maturity Model

24th April, 11:00 AM EDT


  • James E. Arrow, DRPM


  • David Emanuel
AACE would like to thank Riskonnect for sponsoring this RP Spotlight Webinar!





Free Boots-on-the-Ground Insight: Utilizing Real-time Project Data for Construction Cost Management and Account Control

7th May, 12:00 PM EDT


  • Ryan Posnikoff, Senior Director of Product Management, Contruent

Project leaders on large-scale projects require insights into the health of their projects so they can report to stakeholders and take action on areas of concern. These insights are only as good as the source they came from and the timeliness of which they arrived. In this webinar, Ryan will start with the end in mind, what are the outcomes do project leaders require and then work back to how we get there right to the boots on the ground. While technology will be discussed a significant part of the talk will focus on the communication and people aspect of data collection from the field. From removing friction in communicating field updates to creating a truly collaborative environment to the benefit of field supervisors, project management teams, constructors, and owners.

This webinar is generously sponsored by Contruent.


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